— A technology that supports local agency, accountability and sustainable service provision —

Listening to local voices improves the quality, efficiency and long-term impact of your services

How does Talk to Loop work?

Regardless of the size or scope of your operations, we’re here to help you engage with the communities you serve.

Stay informed
Respond promptly

1. People everywhere
Anyone can share feedback,
suggest improvements,
express gratitude,
and report abuse safely.
  • They learn about Talk to Loop.
  • Share feedback or reports.
  • Safely, in their language,
    anonymously if desired,
    anywhere & anytime.
  • With consent they are able
    to receive a reply.
Basic features
10 Users
20GB Individual data
Reporting and analytics
Basic Analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Minimize Features
All Features
2. Platform Moderators
Professionals who speak
local languages,
understand the context,
follow protocols,
and have safeguarding training.
  • They review info, tag & translate.
  • Notify relevant staff.
  • Post feedback on the open platform.
  • If sensitive the safely refer
    it to Sensitive Feedback Lead
    for appropriate action.
Basic features
20 Users
40GB Individual data
Automated workflows
200+ integrations
Reporting and analytics
Advanced Analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
API accesss
Advanced reports
Saved reports
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Advanced permissions
Minimize Features
All Features
3. Organisations
Staff worldwide who seek
ongoing learning,
community engagement,
agile programming,
and responsive impact.
  • Receive feedback and are
    able to reply directly.
  • Use the resulting data for
  • Or receive sensitive referrals for
    accountable action following
    their protocols.
Basic features
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Individual data
Automated workflows
200+ integrations
Reporting and analytics
Advanced Analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
API accesss
Advanced reports
Saved reports
Customer properties
Custom fields
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Advanced permissions
Audit log
Data history
Minimize Features
All Features
4. Sensitive Feedback Leads
Child Protection, GBV and
Accountability to Affected
Populations Specialists
handled the referral process.
  • Moderators tag feedback
    as sensitive.
  • Data is handled confidentially
    and kept out of the open platform.
  • Sensitive Feedback Lead
    receives the report.
  • Reviews and refers cases
    to designated focal points
    for accountability and assistance.
Basic features
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Individual data
Automated workflows
200+ integrations
Reporting and analytics
Advanced Analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
API accesss
Advanced reports
Saved reports
Customer properties
Custom fields
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Advanced permissions
Audit log
Data history
Minimize Features
All Features
5. Reporting victim
We request consent to share
personally identifiable information
(PII) with designated focal points.
Talk to Loop will never:
  • Sell people's data.
  • Share personal data without
  • Know people's exact locations.
  • Our Privacy Policy prioritises
    user safety, informed consent
    and meets global standards,
    including GDPR.
Basic features
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Individual data
Automated workflows
200+ integrations
Reporting and analytics
Advanced Analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
API accesss
Advanced reports
Saved reports
Customer properties
Custom fields
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Advanced permissions
Audit log
Data history
Minimize Features
All Features
6. Seamless accountability
We do not handle case
management or investigations.
We refer cases to qualified
actors for assistance
and to implicated organisations
for investigation.
  • Focal points are notified.
  • They  receive all relevant
  • They are able to take
    accountable action.
  • And update Talk to Loop on
    key milestones
Basic features
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Individual data
Automated workflows
200+ integrations
Reporting and analytics
Advanced Analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
API accesss
Advanced reports
Saved reports
Customer properties
Custom fields
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Advanced permissions
Audit log
Data history
Minimize Features
All Features

The open platform provides real-time aggregate data that can be filter by geography, demographics, and themes.

Anonymised data integrates with other datasets via API and downloadable reports, informing global decision-making.

How do communities use it?

Talk to Loop employs a multi-layered approach that combines Interactive Voice, Artificial Intelligence, and human moderators to amplify community voices. This creates a safe, inclusive platform accessible in users’ languages on familiar devices.

It supports multiple input channels (Voice, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Web) . Unlike traditional feedback methods, Talk to Loop provides a permanent communication channel available before, during, and after crises.

How can you use Talk to Loop?

1. Sign up

Find the magic link in your e-mail inbox and activate your account.

One single organisation can register multiple staff members, all of whom will receive timely notifications for appropriate action.

2. Reply to feedback

We’ll handle the translation and return it to the author.

If you need assistance, our Moderators are available to guide you through the process. Request an onboarding session anytime.

3. Use the resulting data  

For monitoring and evaluation (M&E), reporting, and showcasing progress to managers, donors, and on social media.

This helps track performance, inform decisions, and demonstrate your commitment to safety and goals.

Why use Talk to Loop?

We keep data safe

We mitigate third-party data access risk by:

Hosting data on AWS, GDPR compliant and strong security.

Access to raw data is limited to a few technical specialists.

Ensuring local partnerships do not include data access

Adding data protection clauses to contracts with mobile network operators.

We keep people safe

We prioritise user safety by:

Collecting only information users share, no exact locations.

Never sharing the data without consent.

Never selling any data.

Providing anonymous reporting for individuals in need of it.

We encourage organisations to use multiple feedback channels to improve access and accountability. Giving communities agency and choice.

Here’s why Talk to Loop
should be one of them!

With our innovative, independent, multidirectional, and accessible long-term approach, it seamlessly complements hotlines, focal points, and complaint boxes.  It ensures access for individuals with low literacy, limited connectivity, travel constraints, or those suffering from power imbalances.

Plus the platform guarantees:

You receive all sorts of Feedback (Thanks, Questions, Opinions, Requests, Concerns, among others).
You receive complaints (SEA, GBV, Fraud & Corruption reports).
You can reach people without access to the internet.
You can reach people who are not confident writing or reading.
You can reach people who speak a minority language.
You can reach people who want to report anonymously.
You can reach  people off a beneficiary list.
You are able to respond direct.
You enjoy a 24/7 service that operated on an ongoing basis, not dependent on project time frames.
You can enjoy the perks of open data for inclusive knowledge sharing
You can participate in fostering national sustainable systems.
You can enjoy data integration via API connections and downloadable files.


Talk to Loop is accessible globally through our web channel, for literate people with internet access. In Somalia and Somaliland, people—including those with low literacy or no internet- use it via voice IVRR (shortcode 2023), WhatsApp is coming soon.

The platform is free and available 24/7 in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Maxatiri, and Maay, designed for all users, including those with low literacy, no internet access, or suffering from power imbalances.

We integrate with local referral pathways and collaborate with disability inclusion groups to enhance accessibility.

Want to use it in a new location?

If you're interested in bringing Talk to Loop to your country, please register or contact us about funding opportunities. More interest increases our chances of securing funding and launching in your area.

— Frequently Asked Questions —

Still have questions?

Accountability and transparency can be challenging.
We can help.

How does Talk to Loop keep people safe?

Our priority is safe feedback and reporting for positive change. We don’t collect or process data unless it's shared. No tracking or sharing of locations. Contact details and Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is confidential. Contact is only through the platform. We don’t sell data and anyone can request removal of information on the platform at anytime. We comply with EU GDPR standards worldwide. For more information read our Privacy Policy and Framework for Handling Sensitive Feedback.

Can I trust Talk to Loop with my data?

Our priority is the safety and protection of people who use the platform. To do that, we must earn the trust of the sector. We are not a donor. We are not an operational actor. We are here simply to channel information to the right people in a timely safe way so that those responsible can hear and respond appropriately. We are survivor centered. With the survivor's permission we hand it over and step back. We are not whistle-blowers. We do not want to keep sensitive information or be involved in any way with a case. We do want to contribute to a safer more impactful environment. When we receive a sensitive report where your organisation is involved we refer it into your organisations existing mechanisms. From there you can manage it as you would any other complaint or report.

Why should I add another feedback tool? Isn't it redundant?

Research shows people need different options to find what works for them. Talk to Loop can complement existing tools and extend your reach by:
Ensuring all partners and communities can use it long-term.
Managing all types of feedback and complaints.
Being available during emergencies and scaling up.
Meeting global standards without relying on specific budgets.

Talk to Loop integrates easily with your systems, offering real-time translations and expanding your reach across channels and languages. You can analyze data directly on the platform to inform programming, funding, and policy.

Does Talk to Loop meet Donor Due Diligence requirements?

Yes. We provide a safe input channel for feedback, complaints reporting and as a Safeguarding reporting mechanism. That includes a mechanism for receiving reports about Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Harassment (SEAH). We meet the requirements of the British Safeguarding Team for PSEAH and can refer into InterAgency collective mechanism.

Where does Talk to Loop work?

Talk to Loop is currently active in Somalia and Somaliland, in partnership with Raagsan, a women-led social enterprise dedicated to Third Party Monitoring across the region. We expand to new countries only where there is strong demand from local stakeholders. Show your support by registering your interest below and spreading the word! The more interest we gather, the better our chances of securing funding and bringing Talk to Loop to your area. Submit your interest here!

How does Talk to Loop keep data safe?

Non-sensitive feedback is posted publicly on the platform and notifications are sent for new interactions. Sensitive feedback is handled privately by authorized staff based on user consent. All user communication happens through the platform, and content is moderated before posting. Posts must follow Community Guidelines and  Moderator Protocols. We securely store data on GDPR-compliant tools with encryption and restricted access, and perform regular audits and security reviews. For more information read our DPIA with Annexes for country specific analysis.

Is open data detrimental to my organisation

Nothing is posted without being moderated. Our moderators try to weed out any duplications or inappropriate feedback. We do not do investigations and can not verify information. Any serious complaints or allegations will be sent confidentially to the focal point in your organisation to manage safely. If they don’t confirm receipt then we escalate it confidentially. This approach helps get support to the right people based on their needs. Aggregate data shows the scale of need, helping to advocate for more resources. People don't expect perfection but do expect basic information. By answering questions efficiently across different  languages and contexts easily through Talk to Loop, you build trust and transparency with communities and donors. You can respond quickly to prevent misinformation, as conversations will happen with or without you!

Is Talk to Loop fit for purpose?

The Talk to Loop team is a diverse group of professionals, including humanitarian practitioners, specialists in safeguarding, gender-based violence (GBV), child protection, and accountability to affected populations. Our team also comprises local experts with experience in community engagement and program delivery, as well as tech professionals, fundraising, and communications specialists. Together, we bring a wealth of knowledge to ensure that the platform remains true to its mission. Talk to Loop is guided and held accountable by a Governing Board composed of individuals with lived experience and a deep understanding of the needs of vulnerable and marginalized communities. Additionally, we are supported by a non-decision-making Advisory Board representing key stakeholders in the sector. This Advisory Board plays a crucial role in integrating the initiative and actively supporting its goals. Check out our team here.

Still have questions?

For more information read our FAQs document.

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Join the 700+ organisations already using Talk to Loop to achieve these goals.

Are you and your team focused on collecting data safely to make informed decisions, adapt projects, keep people safe and reduce the risk of fraud and abuse?

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Profile image of Alex Ross, Managing Director of Loop
Hi! This is Alex from Loop. If you've got a question, feedback, or are interested in volunteering with us, send us a message and we will get back to you asap.
Profile image of Alex Ross, Managing Director of Loop
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