PREDIKT: championing accountability in Indonesia

Daris Fauzan, Loop Lead in Indonesia, demonstrates how the Loop platform works to community members

PREDIKT, a social enterprise specialising in the field of Disaster Risk Management has been leading the roll out of Talk To Loop in Indonesia. For Predikt, Talk To Loop addresses an existing gap in the humanitarian response: accountability to the affected population. PREDIKT believes that Talk To Loop can help people at risk by hearing about the aspirations, concerns, and suggestions from people affected by disasters. 

As one of the most disaster prone countries in the world, Indonesia faces 3000 to 3500 disasters each year. Because of climate change, environmental degradation, and poor land use planning, these disasters are happening more often, are more unpredictable, and more complex to respond to. In line with the increasing number of disasters, the number of institutions involved in the humanitarian sector have been steadily increasing as well.

Indonesian community members at a Loop induction session

Based on Predikt data there are over 300 institutions in the humanitarian sector and more than 200,000 aid workers and volunteers in Indonesia. These numbers keep on increasing with a lot of local institutions that are new to the sector, and often have no feedback mechanism or any tools in place to make sure that people can have meaningful participation in the humanitarian response.

According to Wahyu Kuncoro, Director of Program - PREDIKT, 

Talk To Loop is a powerful tool in getting feedback from the community if I might say. The presence of Talk to Loop in Indonesia particularly is responding to the existing gaps in the humanitarian response which is accountability to the affected population. Using Talk to Loop in Indonesia will help humanitarian organisations in evaluating their response, provide access of the affected community to humanitarian responders, empower the community to express their opinion regarding the humanitarian assistance they have received, etc. We as PREDIKT that currently support the information management aspect in several cluster coordination systems are excited and very much looking forward to using this tool within our works as well as encourage other humanitarian agencies to use this tool.”

Daris Fauzan, a project officer for PREDIKT and the Indonesia Lead for Talk To Loop says:

So far, I am very excited to be part of Talk To Loop in Indonesia. It helps us to get more information from our beneficiaries and stakeholders of Predikt related to the projects that we organize. Moreover, I encourage every humanitarian agency here in Indonesia to register themselves on Talk To Loop to get more feedback from their beneficiaries. This will support the agency to be more accountable, more insight into the monitoring and evaluation of their project, and more information for the decision-making process for the upcoming project.” 

Adding on, Tsaairoh (Sasa), a project officer from Predikt and the Indonesian Focal Point for Sensitive Stories on Loop also says, 

We are very excited to be on board in supporting Talk To Loop and facilitating many humanitarian actors/organisations in Indonesia to get feedback and insights coming from their beneficiaries in order to improve their ongoing or future humanitarian assistance. Loop provides a victim-centered approach for their sensitive case management supported by a  referral mechanism to the relevant service providers. I really hope this platform can be embedded in many humanitarian agencies, not only to get feedback, but also to create a pathway to have a more safe environment for all.”

In conclusion, Bayu Hanggoro, an Intern at PREDIKT and a story moderator for Talk To Loop said 

It has been a delightful experience seeing many people sharing  their feedback on the platform. PREDIKT relates to disaster management and with the Talk to Loop platform we can connect ourselves to other humanitarian institutions and the people we are meant to serve. By listening to the feedback on the platform it enriches us to reduce the risk of disaster based on the perspective of the community which makes us to be more participatory.

The Loop franchises in other countries are very much learning from the strategic thinking and vision that the Loop Steering group in Indonesia, under the strong leadership of Predikt’s CEO, are taking in rolling Loop out in Indonesia in these early days.  They are taking a long term, integrated approach. We are proud of the work being done by PREDIKT in Indonesia! Kudos to the PREDIKT team! 

There is much that all of us can learn from these highly experienced responders to sudden onset disasters. You can learn more about Talk To Loop Indonesia.

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