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ECOWEB stands as a champion of how embracing feedback mechanisms can ensure everyone is heard.

July 12, 2022
February 6, 2023
Good day to you all, I just want to thank the people who helped here in our village that was destroyed by super typhoon Odette. At ECOWEB Foundation, the LDS charity donated shelter kits and food packs. Thanks a lot…….

This anonymous feedback is just one of the many stories that is received by the Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits (ECOWEB) in Philippines on the Talk To Loop platform.

ECOWEB is a non-profit organization in the Philippines focused on addressing the inter-linking problems of poverty, conflict, environmental degradation, climate change impact, and poor governance that make communities vulnerable to disaster risks both natural and human-induced.

ECOWEB Executive Director, Regina Nanette Salvador-Antequisa says the use of the platform is a demonstration of their accountability to affected populations:

As an advocate of accountability to affected population (AAP) and with this principle being part of the survivor and community-led response to crisis approach that ECOWEB is promoting, we consider the use of Talk To Loop as a demonstration of such commitment. We commit to accountability to the communities we are serving apart from committing accountability to donors. It is part of the core values of ECOWEB which commits to become a responsible steward of the resources it is entrusted with.”

Since December 2021, ECOWEB has been promoting Talk To Loop platform as a means for feeding back with their community partners and partner local organisations. ECOWEB has received at least 134 stories to date. The large majority of stories which they have received are from women and have been focused on shelter and food security issues.

The feedback informs ECOWEB on what services we need to continue offering or to strengthen. The feedback also gives an indication of the internal systems we need to address.

The feedback about ECOWEB has also been overwhelmingly positive.


Most impressively they have a very high and rapid response time as an organisation. Staff respond to feedback of all types efficiently and directly to the authors through Loop.  As you can see below, they have received a wide range of rich and important feedback and have been very responsive and engaged to them all.  This helps to build trust with communities and donors.


Nanette, who often responds and engages with communities’ feedback on the Talk To Loop platform, sees the integration of Talk To Loop in the internal policy of ECOWEB as beneficial in improving their feedback, complaints and whistleblower mechanisms.

Looking at the open data on Loop, ECOWEB stands as a champion of how embracing feedback mechanisms can ensure everyone is heard to create meaningful change and accountability. It offers a way for organizations to gradually shift away from prioritizing donor accountability only and focus more on responding to people and demonstrating their accountability to affected populations.

This in turn will ensure Donors are happy and want to continue to fund them.

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