Bold Endorsements Fuel Efforts to 'Save Loop'

Talk to Loop's team

The overwhelming support we've received following our decision to temporarily pause our work has infused us with energy and confidence. It's become evident that we have a significant number of allies and believers who are committed to standing up for the continuation of our mission as part of a wider ecosystem change processes.

The below examples show the broad base of interest and support from a range of different actors for different use cases: donors, communities, researchers, think tanks, membership groups and civil society actors. From humanitarian, development, environmental and human rights. Thank you for your support as we spending these next few months seeking possible solutions.

Bellow you will find some of those messages:

It has been an honor to be an early supporter and champion of Talk To Loop, and I have seen over the years such a powerful proof of concept: When people have the access to a platform, they will speak up. As others have said, it is disappointing that Loop has had to go into hibernation at a time when such an accountability platform is arguably more needed than ever in the humanitarian sector. I am confident that when the sector is ready for it, Loop will be an invaluable tool to listen and respond to those most marginalized in humanitarian contexts. In the meantime, it is all of our job to get the sector ready for that very moment. Onward!

Lexi Ferry-Smith

Program Manager, Peacebuilding at Humanity United

I would also encourage all of us in the sector to think deeply and collectively about why this shared, locally owned tool has had to go into hibernation at a time when - perhaps more than ever before - access to information and feedback from those affected by crisis and poverty is so critical for decision makers in the aid world. We look forward to continuing the conversation and to finding ways to make sure that people who experience aid have the power to influence and improve how aid happens.

Kate Moger

Global Director, Pledge for Chang

I’m worried to see the accelerated pace at which valuable humanitarian innovations are flaming out.
While humanitarian innovation is sprouting everywhere, the system it is producing is not in alignment with the direction of reform we need. It is building on and strengthening outdated practices. It is incentivising the growth of off the shelf solutions from global big tech players instead of fostering highly tailored platforms from entrepreneurs with humanitarian experience. Grant opportunities calling for invention at any cost seem to be cannibalising the adoption of existing solutions. If innovation becomes yet another form of exclusion (for people, local organisations, fringe ideas, etc) the consequences of loosing it as an engine for reinvention of the humanitarian sector will be catastrophic.

Paula Gil Baizan,

Director at Something Meaningful Consulting

This has very little to do with Talk To Loop and more to do with us! It is a shame that we speak about putting the people we serve at the centre of our work yet we do not want to take responsibility when our programs cause harm to them. #safeguarding program participants is one way of giving them a voice. When we do not invest in safeguarding people living in vulnerability; and #retaliate when we are called out, we live the highest level of hypocrisy. Let’s all invest in preventing #harm#abuse#exploitation on the people we serve.

Caroline Teti

Director, Recipients Advocacy at

Give Directly Africa

This is so disheartening and enraging. Let’s hope that the Talk To Loop announcement acts as a clarion call for those genuinely committed to reforming international development. If we’re to listen to communities, foster locally led development, and #ShiftThePower, tools like Talk To Loop need to be expanded not placed in hibernation. The ‘lack of sector wide partnerships’ and ‘push back’ smacks of a system trying to maintain its power and control. If we’re serious about change and speaking truth to power, we need all the tools we can get and that means funding them.

Rebecca Hanshaw,

Freelance Consultant and

Director at Equal Eight Limited

At this time of change, when innovation is needed more than ever, it is very sad to see unsupported the small innovators who profoundly understand both challenges and opportunities in their specialist areas? The private sector continually 'buys' starts-ups, integrating the new ideas and technologies they value, however the humanitarian sector appears to have missed this opportunity, losing with it much of its innovation capacity? Many humanitarian innovators also see opportunities above the interests of a single corporation, however, implying donors also might seek this perspective.

Tom Corsellis

Executive Director at

Shelter Centre

I feel incredibly disheartened to hear about Talk To Loop's temporary hibernation. It's a frustrating reality that while we advocate for systemic change, vested interests often act as gatekeepers, perpetuating the very structures we aim to dismantle. Loop has demonstrably proven its effectiveness as a tool for accountability in the development sector. Communities deserve clear, direct answers and the ability to hold their development partners accountable. Let's use this opportunity to reflect, collaborate, and build a future where communities have a true voice and where tools like Talk To Loop are celebrated and amplified.

Dawit Taddele Dessie

Partnership and Communication Manager at


It is truly unfortunate that we, the governing Board have had to make the difficult decision to temporarily hibernate Loop. Nevertheless, we want to emphasize our unwavering support for Talk to Loop. We firmly believe that it will resurface even stronger, serving as an indispensable tool for holding implementors and donors accountable and ensuring vital feedback mechanisms for communities.

Wanjiru Kanyiha

Coordinator - Global Public Investment Network

And Governing Board member of Talk to Loop

It's disheartening when promises of accountability and transparency aren't upheld in humanitarian efforts. Loop's commitment to these principles is commendable, and it's essential for the humanitarian system to walk the talk and strive for genuine action in implementing these values.

Bashàïr Ahmed

Chief Executive Officer at

The Shabaka Diaspora Network

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've been a huge fan of what you are working on for years now. It's incredibly frustrating to see the lack of investment in this type of digital public good which supports collaboration, accountability, and inclusion in the humanitarian sector.

Natasha Freidus

Founder of Needs List and an

Independent Consultan

The future of INGOs is undoubtedly going to see institutions that are more focussed and smaller. The ones who are contributing positively to social change will be open to transparency, and working in solidarity with others throughout civil society, not competing for space. We need to see more investment in our civil society ecosystem to enable this: common infrastructure, working through shared networks and far less territorial protectiveness and brand competition. I hope the sector -- philanthropy and INGOs will come together and get behind Talk To Loop because in my 25+ years in civil society, it's one of the best tools for accountability I've seen. And I hope that national and local civil societies will demand it as a key tool to help #shiftthepower.

Deborah Doane

Rights CoLab; the RINGO Project t and Podcast host

There is a cost to good accountability. As actors, investing in independent platforms such as Talk to Loop is crucial for ensuring accountability in resource allocation. Without it, valuable support may be denied to those who are most in need. Let's prioritize funding for Talk to Loop to uphold transparency and ensure limited resources reach those in need.

Cyprian Nyamweno

Programme Manager - Risk Governance & Adaptive Programming (Horn of Africa)

at Swiss Development Cooperation

It's been deeply disappointing and frustrating to learn about Talk To Loop's hibernation status. GlobalGiving has been proud to partner with Loop over the years - it's served as an important independent feedback tool enabling accountability to communities. Kate Moger and Rebecca Hanshaw's assessment about how Loop has come to pause resonates-We can and must do better.

Sandrina da Cruz

Senior Director, Global Grantmaking

at GlobalGiving

A crying shame if this important tool is lost. Civil society representatives I spoke to recently in Somalia and northeast Nigeria told of their communities' need for independent, credible channels to give feedback - importantly, in languages and formats (chiefly voice) they are comfortable in and with the safeguards for both accessibility and confidentiality that Loop has provided. Donors and their funding partners need to step up, or admit talk of accountability to affected people is just that - talk.

Ellie Kemp

Strategic Partnerships Director at

CLEAR Global

From its outset, I've been a champion of Talk To Loop - a bold and ambitious tool for accountability - as part of the efforts needed to shift power and centre aid on the experiences and perspectives of communities. Three years into its journey, with growing momentum in the countries it's established platforms in, it's an indictment of the sector's true commitment to accountability that it's needing to hibernate through lack of funding. Time for a wakeup call indeed.

Elise Ford

Strategist, Facilitator

at Sonder Collective

To be honest, this is the first time I'm hearing about Talk To Loop but it sounds like a really important tool and process... There's a huge need for accountability mechanisms in the conservation sector as well - particularly viz. large international conservation NGOs - and I have a feeling there's a lot to learn from your experience.

Holly Jonas

Global Coordinator

at ICCA Consortium

I am truly sad to learn that Talk To Loop is going into hibernation. I think that their platform and model is truly revolutionary for the sector. I look forward to listening to their reflections about their journey.

Alexandre Corriveau-Bourque

Housing, Land, and Natural Resource Tenure Specialist

Your unwavering support serves as a driving force for our commitment, and we genuinely appreciate it!

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Profile image of Alex Ross, Managing Director of Loop
Hi! This is Alex from Loop. If you've got a question, feedback, or are interested in volunteering with us, send us a message and we will get back to you asap.
Profile image of Alex Ross, Managing Director of Loop
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